Call For Volunteers - Cultivate Cleveland Food Cooperative

Members of Cultivate Cleveland at the Up and Coming Food Co-op Conference 2016 in Bloomington, Indiana

We are actively seeking people to build strong leadership and establish sustainable governance systems for a consumer food cooperative in Cleveland.

The goals of Cultivate Cleveland Food Cooperative are to meet the urban need for fresh grocery options, to create jobs in our neighborhoods, and to provide a place to foster community. We are addressing these needs by forming a food co-op, a retail grocery business that is owned and controlled by the community.

This project is aimed at strengthening our local economy through socially responsible investment. The services of the retail store will be open to the public, and the opportunity to invest in the business will be available to all individuals. The foundation of the capital for a food co-op comes from its member-owners, who purchase equity in the business and have a voice in its vision and implementation. We are confident that this endeavor will produce positive economic results for its member-owners and the surrounding community in the near future.

We need your help! We are organizing a steering committee to solidify our policies and governance. Once organized, we will move forward with feasibility and market studies, ownership drives, and site selection. At this point, we need input from individuals who have professional experience in law, business management, corporate planning, accounting, finance, marketing, and branding. We are striving for a culturally diverse group, and all are welcome! 

Want to learn more and become involved? Email us at and visit our Facebook page:

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Volume 1, Issue 2, Posted 4:18 PM, 06.07.2016